Our Denomination

We are a congregation of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of Ireland.

The Reformed Presbyterian Church of Ireland has 40 congregations, a Theological College and a Book Centre.


The reformation of the church during the 1500s and 1600s was ignited and fanned by a return to the principles of:

  • Scripture alone as the unchanging standard
  • The glory of God alone as the goal
  • Christ alone as the Saviour
  • Grace alone as the cause of salvation
  • Faith alone as the means by which people are declared right before God

As a reformed church, we hold to these five points.


We are called Presbyterian because of our form of church government. Each congregation is under the oversight of elected elders, who are also part of higher courts known as Presbyteries and Synod.

Other Reformed Presbyterian Churches

The Reformed Presbyterian Church is a global family of churches. The members of this family share the same ethos and confessional basis and enjoy very close relationships with one another. The ties that bind us today are stronger than they have ever been, a fact for which we are very thankful.  You can find out more about this worldwide family of churches by visiting the RP Global Alliance website.